
Friday, August 10, 2012

Cookin' Maniac- and Freezer Meal

Okay wow, I don't even want to look at my stove, oven, kitchen for the rest of the night. Okay, I really do enjoy cooking, but it's been a cooking day!

First, I whipped up the Rumbi Voodoo Salads for Lunch, Now, well lets just say I've been making cashew cookies and trying not to enjoy eating them too much while I'm making them. I also made a freezer meal out of my Quinoa Garden Burgers
I found a tutorial on a blog for a good way to freeze and reheat garden burgers, so I thought it would be awesome to have a quick meal when we're having a busy day. After you make your burgers, you place them on a cookie sheet,
Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for about an hour. Then remove them and place them in a plastic bag. Be sure to separate them with parchment paper and to suck out the air! Awesome.

My little brother has chosen to serve a mission for our church (we're very proud of him). On Sunday we are having a huge farewell party. My mom who has Celiac, requested the cashew thumb print cookies! I made a lot of these little babies! I tried to get some different varieties to make them really fun! 

Some of the changes were:

Peanut Butter Chocolate
Cinnamon Spice
and Blueberry! 

I really hope everyone enjoys them, the Cinnamon Spice one I think is my new favorite. You simply add cinnamon and nutmeg to the dough, then sprinkle cinnamon on top before you bake them! Easy!

To get started I got ready, by getting ready I mean getting the kids to sleep, hopping into my comfy pajamas, 

getting my entertainment, thank you Harry Potter going at it! 

I believe I used every mixing bowl I own tonight, but I had so much fun, experimenting and I feel very much prepared with a freezer meal ready to go~ 

It makes eating healthy so much easier if you take a few hours and prepare ahead of time. Freezer meals are so awesome! If you have a healthy meal waiting for you in the freezer it can help decrease your temptations a  lot! 
I hope you all can develop a passion and love for healthy meals, that's when daunting baking days, like today turn more into a fun time than something I have to do. I really had fun giving the cookies some fresh spins, because I love making wholesome things! 

However, my dirty dishes.....they'll just have to wait until the morning :)

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