
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

10 Reasons Why I'm Choosing Plant Food

It is a decision that isn't reached lightly. It's tough when you will be the only "different" person in your circle. It can be stressful to think about others adapting food for you when you come over for dinner!  It's overwhelming in the society we live in! What could be stemming all this concern? Choosing a plant food diet. I've been stewing over this for a long time now. I believe and know that plant foods are the healthiest option. I've sat and worried that I wouldn't be able to "let go" of the old foods I so enjoyed ; I've been worried I would fail. 

Well after all this time I've decided to do what I've been wanting to do for awhile now, but was too hesitant or concerned what others would think of me to do it! I'm dropping what little meat I had left in my diet and going to be plant strong! This decision was not reached lightly. I've researched, prayed, yes I prayed about it, discussed it with my family, and really analyzed my reasons for doing so. I'm not pressuring anyone else in my family to join me completely. My husband informed me after my announcement to him today that he is just a few steps behind me! He supports me, but isn't ready to give it all up himself and that's okay. He did want some praise for not wanting bacon anymore though, which I freely gave!

10 Reasons Why I've decided to Go plant strong:

~Plant based diets have had a plethora of studies given showing how they reverse and prevent numerous diseases. Diabetes, heart disease, MS, depression, anxiety, these are only a few!

~I've felt the difference between the way my body feels when I eat a "normal diet" and a plant diet! It is night and day. I don't get stomach cramps, I don't get headaches, when I'm full it's not unbutton my pants full it's an Oh, my that was so good, full! My skin is better, and I've lost a lot of weight without counting calories or limiting my food intake

~I want to age comfortably. Research has shown that obesity causes so many problems in the elderly (as well as the young). After working in the geriatric population with occupational therapy, I have seen how much being overweight can affect healing and happiness. I don't want to be lifted by a machine, or need assistance to roll in bed. Not for a reason that I can control such as my weight. I want to keep my mind; food choices have been shown to either increase your risk of Dementia or decrease your risk (eat your blueberries and spinach)

~It has been shown that vegetarians and vegans are among the most fit people inside and out. They have slimmer bodies as well as lower cholesterol and blood pressure. 

~It's not as hard as I thought. I promote the fact that baby steps are incredibly important. In our eBook we will be publishing this is our theme. I've been eating a 90% plant based diet for so long now, I asked myself...why not? You eat chicken and turkey sparingly, you've given up the hardest thing for you...cheese. Is poultry really that amazing to the taste buds that I couldn't let it go? Not really. I do find it tasty, but I'd survive without it.

~I can get ample calcium and protein from plants without saturated fats and calories that animal products bring. Beans are comparable to meats in terms of protein. Quinoa is a staple at our home and it is a complete protein which brings the omega fatty acids into your diet as well. Nuts and nut milks have more calcium at times than cows milk!

~It has helped me with budgeting! Buying more produce has actually proved cheaper for my family and I. We don't stock up on tons of meats that can be $5 or more for small amounts. It's also helping us support our local farmers.

~I want to keep things flowing! I have experienced how nice it feels to have good intestinal movement if you know what I mean...let's get personal. It's better to have them flowing than to not, am I right?

~Overall I just feel better. I want that feeling always. I enjoy a plant based diet, I love knowing that less animal products help the environment and I love that it's a healthy route!

~ All these are wonderful reasons, but my number one reason for doing this, is my children! I have seen how they have adjusted their tastes and their food choices. My three year old was offered a store bought rice krispie treat the other day, she politely gave it back and said "I don't want it, it's not healthy!" She's three! I want them to have the knowledge to make their own choices and to give them the best opportunity for health that I know possible. They are my reason, above anything else. They adapt and do love plant foods too it's not a myth that kids will eat broccoli...they will but parents need to set the example first!
There are a lot of critics on this way of eating. That's okay. I welcome it. I have done my research, and I've had experience with it. I don't judge other's for their eating habits, I feel this is the best move for me and I encourage others to find out if it is a good move also for yourself and families

Some good sites to research

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