
Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Geeks Unite! Homemade Butter Beer!

Okay, here is my guilty confession...I am a HUGE  Harry Potter fan! I have read all the books 10 times each, and of course my favorite Christmas present last year was the entire 8 disc set of Harry Potter movies! Well to my happy surprise when I logged on to facebook this morning I learned it was J.K. Rowling and Harry Potter's Birthdays! So of course we had to have some fun and make a Harry Potter inspired recipe! Well, I thought Butter Beer, that is mentioned often in the books, why not try that out! Well of course I should have gotten a clue from the name that the recipes wouldn't be great for you. Well I'll tell you this, I did try to healthify this recipe and it turned out super great. However, it was still a little bit too much for me and I think my kids also after a little while. We aren't used to so much sweet in one wack. It tasted really good and it was worth it for the fun of it, but still it was a little too much. I can't imagine what the original recipe would taste like.

So if you're geeky like I am, this will be fun for you to try. I'm also linking the original recipe, which is actually a Harry Potter recipe page so it has other ones as well, I think some would be fun for Halloween time!!! So curl up with the Prisoner of Azkaban and Enjoy

Homemade Butter Beer

2 1/2 C Almond Milk
1/2 C butterscotch chips or sauce

Heat almond milk and butterscotch chips in saucepan until chips are completely melted.

For the topping

3 C confectioners sugar
4-5 T vegan margarine, soy free (you can also use another butter or margarine)
1/3 C coconut milk (or almond milk)
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp cloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg

Cream together margarine and sugar, slowly add milk and continue beating. Add in spices and beat until all combined. Spoon on top of the milk, it should eventually float to the top! Sugary, but still fun and yum!

This is the link to the original site

***** UPDATE****  my friend posted a yummy sounding sugar free version of this at her blog!!! Enjoy

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