
Friday, June 29, 2012

What I don't want in my future

I work in Occupational Therapy, that's my degree, that's' what I do for half the day when I'm not at home enjoying my sweet family. I chose to work with the elderly, and I love it. The geriatric population has always held a special place with me. I still have both pairs of grandparents and I just love them dearly they can teach us "young folk" so much.
      Going along with the work I do I have met lots of different types of people. I also have decided some things I don't want in my future life. I've met several centurions (100 years +) I always ask them what their secret is, every single one I've met eats a balanced diet, they are smaller people, they have good hygiene most have their own teeth etc. They take care of themselves. Most do say 100 years old is too old, but all of them that I've met were living alone, they still did their daily tasks independently and the reasons they were with me was basically for injuries or life was finally catching up with them. If I live to be 100 I hope to be like that, not 100 and bed ridden.

So some things I don't want for the sake of my health when I get older

- I don't want to be heavy, I don't want it to take two people or a lift (yes I've had to use machines to lift people) to move me from a bed or chair or roll me in bed.

- I want to be able to walk and not have my weight cause me to be in a wheelchair, if I'm in a wheelchair it better be for a different reason.

- I don't want to be on oxygen because I'm overweight

- I don't want cardiac issues

- I DO want to live a good long life in a healthy way! I want to stay in my own home as long as possible as independent as possible. I feel the choices we make in our younger lives will affect the outcome of our later years.

This is just something that's been on my mind after working with the wonderful people I do. I'm glad I can be there to help those seniors who may need an extra boost, but I also know what I want my goals to be. I understand life throws us curve balls, but the things I am in control of such as weight, I hope I continue to make a conscious effort to take care of this body for my later years!!!

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